Sunday, November 30, 2008

28th of November

I really want to try and describe some of the people I have meet so far, they are all very unique and some of them are quite influential characters with bright futures, each has brought a different aspect to my experience here in Tanzania.
Aiesec, the organisation I am travelling via, is a student run organisation and it's contingent here in Tanzania is huge, students see it as a way of connecting with the world and promoting the country they love so dearly. All the students that I live with are involved with Aiesec in one way or another, whether they are doing an internship or helping to organise and promote exchanges, most are hardworking busy people with good principles and beliefs.

Mariam is the local president of Aiesec she studies archeology and marketing and aspires to do her masters in business. She is the kind of person that puts everyone before herself tirelessly working to ensure Aiesec is running smoothly, that the flat is well organised (often seen with mop or broom in hand), that her studies are up to date and that interns like myself are managing to survive. She is a responsible young woman, very interesting to talk to and has a great sense of the way things are. I am very into the whole archaeological history of Tanzania so I often force Mariam to give me lectures on Olduvai gorge, the rift valley and other note worthy areas. She is my first point of call for any problems or support, the living here is hard and the culture shock can be quite daunting without the right people around you. Mariam keeps her hair in braids and it is really a sight to see when see takes these out, talk about afro! Ahh the way woman keep their hair over here is crazy: braids that are bunched to look like a fur hat, hair cuts that disappeared for us in the 60's and afro's that would make worthy pillows.

One of the funniest people here that I have met is Shoobi, we have become really good friends, he acts the clown alot! the way he puts things is often priceless and his timing is superb, his father is a professor and he was educated in England so he has no lack of smarts, he already has started a company with his a number of his friends. My adventures with shoobi could fill a book, he has taken me to places, introduced me to people and put me in situations that are just hilarious. He is definately one of the local charmers and makes this talent of his felt and let me tell you he regularly enjoys a drink. He is often seen with a large foolish grin and keeps his hair cropped close which enhances his facial expressions, the size of his strangely large head in proportion to his skinny body is a sight unto itself.
The people here are much more open about sex and I don't really know how to put it without saying loose, even more so when they are drunk! I have meet a number of sticky situations which I have diplomatically avoided.
I am friends with three foreigners all from differing countries who have bought a level of sanity to my time here. Jim, Nina and Kate have all been staying here for over 5 months so are well acquainted with the place and people and their dynamics together is entertaining.

Jim is American, he is from the state of Michigan. People often say that Jim is a black man in a white mans body and I would tend to agree. He has immersed himself so completely in the local culture that I'm not sure I could picture him leaving, he has a Tanzanian girlfriend and can't stop talking about African woman. Jim has light blond/orange hair that is really, really curly he has grown it relatively long now and keeps it tied in a neat pony tail, sometimes when his hair does emerge it is like growth in the middle of the jungle.... all over the place. Jim is great, very relaxed and laid back, staying professional at the same time, he has a consultancy business and manages all aspects of it he is getting paid great money from alot of foreign embassies for the work and seminars that he is running and at the young age of 24 has powerful contacts amoung diplomats and is making quite the name for himself...
Nina is a Chinese finance student, and is still adapting to a culture that has been tough for her, although she is helped by her luxurious working environment at the bank and is relocating soon to what I am told is one of the more nicer parts of Tanzania. She is quite a girly girl in the Chinese sense so is not used to the hardships of Africa, for her staying here as long as she has has been a struggle, yet she is very outgoing, friendly and hugs everyone alot. Nina should only be described as fun, she keen to go anywhere do anything at any time, its great.

Kate is polish and like Jim is at home in Africa. She speaks Swahili well and has a good sense of direction. Kate reminds me of a Russian cold war operative or female spy, she is pretty, smart and definately has a bossy side, but her only problem is she doesn't have a cold heart and is soft on the inside. Kate is a flirt and enjoys it alot, again like Jim she is attracted to the locals and can often be found hanging off the arm of the larger local rugby players, but with Kate they don't get it there own way as she loves that hard to get game.
Benja is another local Tanzanian Aiesec member, but he seems to operate on a higher level, he is quietly spoken and is working toward his 'vision' of Africa. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, is on the ball with topics of conversation and he is the national president of Aiesec, just quietly I think his goals are very high for the future, as i think they should be.

Last but by no means least is Lawrence, he is Ugandan so is not as fluent in Swahili, but he also has been here a while now. Lawrence strives to become an entrepreneur, he wants to start a motivational business motivating the youth of Africa. Lawrence has worked for the banks and financial industries, the government involved in economic research and is currently a researcher at the commerce school. He developed his idea when involved with the govt believing that he has an insight into what makes people tick, he wants others to reach their full potential.
There are so many others to write about!!!! Conversation here is broad and to a high level, every topic comes up and everyone is involved, most people are from different places in life so this mixing bowl is a great opportunity for all of us...

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