Monday, December 15, 2008

10th of December 2008

A day of rest!!!! The events of last night still fresh in my mind I decided to take the day off, I rang the school explaining my situation, Mrs Huckstuble understood completely, I wanted to think about where exactly I am at and just relax a while in the comfort of the colonial abode. I have been used to bathing from a bucket of late, every morning we fetch a bucket full of water from the local well to shower in, this has to be done due to the lack of water, the well is owned by our landlord and is strictly for private use so we are lucky to get access, however whilst staying at Mrs Jennifer's I get a shower from her reserve tanks which again has helped me today no-end.
I have put yesterday behind me and am moving on with an ever more cautious step, I have been invited by some local friends to take part in a rugby training with a local club. I never thought I would get a chance to play rugby in Tanzania so i am really excited, actually its amazing that i get the chance as there are only 3 teams in the whole of Tanzania and I managed to make friends with members of one of them, what are the chances..? The team was a mixed bunch of ex patriot white guys with some younger locals around my age, we basically just played touch the whole afternoon as I'm told this is their off season, but it was fun to have a run around and show off some of New Zealand's prowess on the rugby (touch) field, although it is tough work in heats up over 35 degrees. Mention your a kiwi that plays rugby in this crew and you have instant friends, they passionately love it and watch all the matches, I am impressed at how gutted they all were that the French beat us in the quarters last World Cup, "it was a forward pass" they all yell, haha good stuff, they love the All Blacks. One of the guys there actually played for the Ugandan national team that recently won the African cup, (that is Africa excluding South Africa) he was interesting to talk to, the pool of players in Uganda is only about 200 he said, only 200, wow I thought, that isn't even Taradale Rugby Club. I met another kiwi there who works at one of the more wealthier schools in the area, he also teaches rugby and is trying to establish a school league I said I would attempt, before I leave, to put things in place at D.I.S hopefully i can get this to happen it would be sweet to see results. I am also helping to organise a trip for the school in late January up Mount Kilimanjaro, this will be a great experience for the students and me, it seems to be coming together nicely, fingers crossed, i really want to climb this magnificent mountain, it is 5897 metres tall so it dwarfs alot of even New Zealand's mountains surprisingly, however it is meant to be both an amazing and quite achievable experience. For Christmas it looks like I'll be spending it in Uganda visiting the rain forests, jungles, mountains, lakes, national parks, the Gorillas and Chimps, Lawrence my good friend is going to take Jim and I to his house for Chrissy and wants to show us the beauty of his home at the same time, a free guide! I'm told there will be heaps of food...excellent(and it is meant to be beautiful)! So in between school trips, teaching, planning my own excursions and daily, sometimes dramatic life, I have a lot of planning to do!

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