Friday, December 5, 2008

2nd of December 2008

Adventure after adventure, so it continues, I'm back at the flat which is a hub or network full of a mix of locals and international students, there is always someone doing something or at least keen to do something, this is perfect for me, never a dull moment. At the moment I am drinking at least 5 litres of water a day, all bought from the local shops which are really just tin sheds full of stock, I feel like I'm losing liquid as fast as I'm putting it in. Lawrence my Ugandan friend has developed the perfect past time for weekends, swimming, up at the University of Dar-es-Salaam, I decided to join him today as I really wanted to see campus. The pool up there is only open on weekends and is always crowded, once again I am the only white guy and when shirtless, I attract attention about as much as a streaker at a rained in cricket match, seriously you would think these people had never seen a white guy before. Before long I'm involved in bombing competitions, swimming races and breath holding competitions with a number of eager teenagers, these lads couldn't speak English but a laugh means the same in any language...
Lawrence it turns out is quite the character, he comes from a well to do tribe in Uganda and is the direct blood line of a chief, talking to Lawrence is inspiring he really wants to go far in life and is pushing hard, he lost his father at the young age of 5 and his mother when he was 11, he comes from a very successful family of 12 brothers and sisters who have stuck together to form a very strong working family relationship and a great work ethic, he was telling me stories of being up at 5 every morning to milk the cows at 7 year of age, i think he would make the perfect kiwi. I have alot of respect for Lawrence and what he and his family have gone through to get to where they are I often cannot believe some of the things that he tells me, when you look at him and spend time with him you'd have no idea of his past.
After our swim we look round the University, it is a spread out system of buildings surrounded by dense groupings of trees full of monkeys and other noisy animals, I notice a massive centipede making for cover, Lawrence warns me of the danger of these poisonous things. The campus is huge because it is so spread out, we visit the law school, commerce school and so on admiring the wonderful architecture, the main building has actually made it on to the national thousand shilling note so it is held in high esteem. Apparently this university is renowned for churning out some of the most successful graduates in all of Africa with many leaders, ministers and top African businessmen from Tanzania and abroad having graduated.
Graduation is taking place as we tour the campus, you can just tell just how proud all the recipients and their families are of their achievements, its like smile-fest 08... As we are walking around we mingle with other Aiesecr's hanging out on campus, the Tanzanian network here is huge, they are all keen to introduce themselves to me and I'm always keen to meet new faces, unexpectedly, we bumped into the high school psychics teacher from my school, Mr Allen, who INSISTED that I make a detour to his humble abode for the afternoon and invited Lawrence as well. One thing you notice about the people here is that they feel obliged to welcome you with open arms into their homes, and they do not take no for an answer.
The experience of seeing Mr Allen's living situation was one of shock, awe , inspiration and respect, after a long walk we reach his very basic community set in a surrounding hot, muggy, bush, full of thugs he tells me, very reassuring. As we pass through people shout greetings and peer curiously at us it is a strange feeling, people appear from every corner just to watch us walk through, Mr Allen seemed quite proud of the fact that he was the one leading this spectacle. His house is simple, just a sand and brick structure with a corrugated iron roof, no real toilet or proper shower, he is raising two children with his wife in this environment and managing to turn up to school every day dressed as if he came from a mansion.. It is beautiful, the love that was present in that house hold and the happiness found amongst such poverty was powerful, Mr Allen was so very, very proud of what he had and he appreciated it ten thousand times more than any of us luckier lot ever will, wow, it was just a special occasion for me to see such a thing. I don't even know if I could have the mental strength to ever live like that with such an attitude, it is humbling..

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