Friday, December 19, 2008

17th of December 2008

After a quick ba-ga-gi ride, something that is second nature to me now, we arrive to spend the day at one of the most prominent resorts around, okay I didn't sleep there or get a gourmet buffet i paid an entry price to use their pools and access the picturesque beach front with palm trees, coconut trees, golden sand... So this is how the other half lives aye, preferring to avoid the squalor of the streets, it is luxurious, the pool and beach are amazing with a capital A! I apply sun block and apply sunblock and, you get the picture, I do it everyday. We see so many tourists and so many prostitutes, how can you tell? trust me you can. I begin to wonder what some of these tourist get out of staying at such a luxurious location in Africa, what is their experience and perception of the place, I wouldn't complain living here, but it seems like they are some how cheating themselves. My Mum came back from an all expenses paid trip to Fiji staying in a luxury resort, she was shocked at such an experience living it up while others suffer, not her idea of a holiday, i think I have her genes, other friends have made the same comment, yet these people don't seem perturbed and for the day I'll happily join them. Relaxing and actually enjoying the heat, the old lie on your back floating in the pool and sea trick, eyes closed, always a winner..
I have to relate to you something that happen to me that was unexpected but so funny at the same time, I'm walking along the beach under the coconut trees talking to a friend when i felt a massive thud, followed by one of worst dead arms Ive had, I looked around thinking someone had hit me or thrown something at me, actually a medium sized coconut had fallen from one of the trees catching my arm in the process, lucky it wasn't my head.. haha what was that all about.. random, from that height it hurts, alot!
Back to the resort, we chilled all day, swam, ate, chatted, they had a live band, we got involved with the salsa action, a rather large African woman was my dance partner, she was energetic and quite the dancer I was laughing the whole time. then the resort produced some acrobats who flipped through skipping ropes, juggled things, balanced chairs on their noses, freakishly unbelievable antics like that. Acrobats would have to practice alot you cant just learn that sort of thing over night. We were then introduced to 'chiwawa' the baboon, he was dressed in shorts complete with a tail hole and commanded by his trainer who held him on a chain to do all sorts of tricks, I found the whole thing cruel, monkeys are clever creatures, but animals don't deserve such treatment. The day finished with a tired trip home, you don't realise just how much energy you exert when your enjoying yourself.

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